为在线教师/适应SAS学生提供无障碍帮助 - 九州体育平台入口-九州体育平台入口


There will be SAS students in your online classes who require accommodations


Have you received a SAS Faculty Notification Letter that requires an accommodation for a student, but not sure how to accomplish this in an online class? Below are quick answers for you!


All web-based materials (content in Canvas, HTML files, PDF files, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, video files, audio files, images) for use with online, hybrid, blended, or face-to-face classes must be ADA compliant if they are 部分课程教学内容.

This includes:

  • Content created by the instructor within your school's learning management system.
  • Files uploaded by the instructor to your school's learning management system.
  • Files uploaded by the instructor to your school's learning management system (Canvas).
  • Material created or controlled by the instructor, but hosted on another server.
  • Content used as course material provided by educational publishers and other third-party websites.


  • Though outside the instructor's responsibility, a student may need the textbook in 另一种格式(如.g.(盲文,大字印刷,音频,电子),这通常是 由你的校园残疾服务中心完成.
  • Converting a print text can be a time-consuming process—one which causes the student to lose valuable time while it's being produced—so as an instructor, you can support students by opting for digital Open Education Resource (OER) textbooks and learning 材料(当然,这些材料已经过可访问性审查).


  • Current guidelines indicate that material that is truly optional is not held to the 同样严格的遵从标准. 但请记住,残疾学生不能 take advantage of things like "optional" review or extra credit activities unless 它们很容易接近.


  • Guidelines are regularly being updated and revised, often based on technological advancements or legal findings. 对你来说,尽你最大的努力了解情况是很重要的. (It's 与无障碍专家交朋友是个好主意. =-)





How to extend or unlock a Canvas "Assignment" deadline for just one student:


Here is a PDF file with step by step walk-throughs on how to add, extend or adjust a deadline for an assignment for only one student, or for multiple students.


Auto-Generate and Edit Closed-Captions on Studio Videos With Canvas Studio:



This brief video shows you how to auto-caption all your course videos'captions right inside Canvas! 您还将了解如何快速编辑您的字幕文稿 输入错误,并发布新的字幕到您的视频. 记住,自动标注通常是 大概不是很准确. 85%),所以使用自动字幕是最好的临时解决方案 until you have had your video professionally captioned, so it is 98-99% accurate, as required by law!

3C Media Solutions - Free 专业字幕 for CA Community College Instructors

3C Media Solutions is a Chancellor's Office grant funded service that provides FREE captioning for online/hybrid California community college instructors (When funding is available). Content is uploaded to 3C Media on your own page, and your content is captioned (usually) within 5 days. You must first create your own free 3CMedia account to start using this service. Note: captioning is available only for class instructional content and for videos over 30 mins.

注:3C媒体字幕的拨款有限. 3C Media gets CA grant funding from the CCC, so they can offer CCC faculty free professional (human) captioning. 这意味着它的准确率为98-99%,符合ADA的要求 所有必修课程的教学视频或音频. 先到先得, 有时,那一年的资金会用完.

现场专业字幕 & 转录服务

CHC is a recipient of a grant for professional captioning and transcription services for online classes. Vitac or other live captioning vendors are used, to provide notetaking, 为符合条件的SAS学生提供字幕和转录服务.  Before we can provide this service to your students, instructors must have a very brief training CHC的另类媒体专家苏珊娜·德拉汉蒂. 如果你有学生 in your class who required live captions, Suzanne Delahanty will reach out to you 至少在上课前两周. 如果您想了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件: sdelahanty@siam-online.net.



为您的Microsoft Office 365 Powerpoint演示文稿添加标题

注意:这只适用于 365 or web versions


Here is a PDF Cheatsheet with the steps on adding auto-captions to Powerpoint-365.  
更喜欢谷歌幻灯片? Google 已经推出了自动化 谷歌幻灯片演示的封闭字幕功能. This feature will make your presentations more accessible to audiences that are 失聪的或听力不好的. 在演示幻灯片时,自动字幕将显示为 you speak.


Create Auto-Captions for Live (Real-Time) Class Meetings or Lectures with "Web Captioner"







ConferZoom will Auto-Caption any previously recorded video automatically and will 当录音的自动字幕完成时,给你发电子邮件.







Ava:免费的自动字幕 & 每个人的笔记工具

Ava is a Free Closed Captioning Tool and Note-taking App that works on Macs, PC's, phones and tablets. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的AVA资源页面, 演示、链接和资源.